Designing Bridges to Designing Code: My Indie Hacker Adventure

Yoha Sim
2 min readMay 18, 2024


Hello, everyone!

I am YoHa Sim, a junior web developer living in South Korea. I would like to share my story and record my journey to grow together through this blog.

Photo by David Martin on Unsplash

Bridge structural designer to web developer

At first, I started my career as a bridge structure designer. It was a very rewarding experience to design huge structures like bridge. But over time, I found a field where I could expand my potential and creativity. Then what I discovered was web development.

Web development opened up endless possibilities for me. The process of building code line by line into a complete web service was like a mini miracle for me. The experience of such an intangible idea appearing in reality in front of my eyes was so fascinating. So I decided to take the plunge and change careers.

Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

Challenge to Indie hacker

Now, I’m not just a web developer, but I’m aiming to become an indie hacker. Indiehacker is an entrepreneur who creates, distributes, and even monetizes products alone or in a small team. I want to achieve a true sense of accomplishment through the process of realizing my ideas into real services and creating value through them.

Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash

Blogging Growth History

In this blog, I will share the stories of the various challenges, successes, and failures I face as an indie hacker. I will tell you in detail the entire process from the conception stage of an idea to development, distribution, and monetization. I want to create opportunities for you to think, learn, and grow.

The journey ahead will not be smooth. But I believe the whole process will make me a stronger, more creative, and better developer. Your support and feedback will be a great boost.

Won’t you watch my journey?

Thank you.

-YoHa Sim-



Yoha Sim

Web Developer | Indie Hacker | South Korea